For almost as long as there has been moving pictures, manufacturers have sought the holy grail of TV entertainment - true 3D that is actually consumer friendly.

This system from Dimen uses the age old "must have silly glasses" method. It works but well, look at the glasses on the end of a fishing rod!

Leadtek have a more consumer friendly product in these TV glasses. Although the glasses contain an LCD screen for each eye, it is not 3D, (yet), but you do get an effectively huge screen which just about covers ones entire peripheral vision. It is quite an impressive if slightly unnerving experience.

The glasses are controlled by this tiny little receiver which can be battery powered making the system attractive for travelling passengers. (Just remember to keep checking that you don't miss your stop whilst engrossed in the TV!).

This is more like it. 3D TV that you just look at like a normal screen. Well it would be if it wasn't, well, crap actually. The 3D effect is quite noticeable but unfortunately so are the dark interference patterns produced by the technology. Keep up the development guys, get it just right and you should be teh win!

This product has potential. The screen on the right contains a pair of cameras, (blue arrow). Their received image of me taking the picture is displayed on the left screen, (red arrow). The pair of cameras generates positional information similar to our eyes which when processed makes the character on the right hand screen move about its environment mimicking my movements.

Staying with twin screens for a moment. Why would anyone want two giant screens in the same room?

So you can whoop your mate's butt at Extreme III speed competition. That's why!
What's that noise?...
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